TYPO3: 1&1 ImageMagick installieren

Immer wieder ein leidiges Problem. Wie bekomme ich bei 1&1 und einer TYPO3-Installation ImageMagick zum Laufen.

Quelle: 1&1 Hilfecenter

  1. To install ImageMagick you will need to log in to your server or webspace with SSH.
    From the command line first download and unzip the source:
    wget ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.tar.gz
  2. Next type, tar -xzvf ImageMagick.tar.gz
  3. Next type, cd ImageMagick-x.x.x
  4. The following commands will install ImageMagick into your home directory.
    –without-Perl and –without-ttf will disable Perl and TrueType support; without
    these switches the install will fail. /path/to/your/htdocs/im should be replaced
    with the actual path to your home directory, and the last part, IM, can be changed
    to anything. The command „pwd“ will tell you the present working directory.
    ./configure –prefix=/path/to/your/htdocs/im –without-perl –without-ttf
  5. Next type, make
  6. Next type, make install
  7. When these steps are completed ImageMagick will be installed in your home directory.
    Please note that since this is a non-standard location, you may have to modify the configuration of other programs that use it so that they can find it. Any executables will also not be on the default executable search path.
  8. edit localconf.php
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‚GFX‘][‚im_path‘] = ‚/path/to/your/htdocs/im/bin/‘;
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‚GFX‘][‚im_version_5‘] = ‚im6‘;
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